Happy Holidays

2015 has been a hugely successful year! Once again, we have surpassed our numbers from last year. Over 240 dogs have been rescued and placed into loving forever homes so far! We have so much gratitude for the dedication of our volunteers, transporters, foster homes, and adopters. We couldn’t do this without you!

Busy, busy, busy!

We have added almost 25 new foster homes to our family this year. Deanna has been busy coordinating fosters and keeping them stocked with supplies. Our geographical reach has expanded as well. Not only do we have fabulous fosters in Omaha and Kansas City but we have welcomed homes in both Springfield and St. Louis, MO. We can’t thank our foster homes enough for opening their hearts and homes to hounds in need!

Our network of transport volunteers also expanded! In 2015 we found ourselves being contacted about hounds in need from more states than ever. Dogs have travelled to us from as far away as Alabama, Arkansas, and Louisiana. This long distance travel requires an extensive amount of planning and a team of transporters. In addition to responding to daily requests to take dogs in need, Julie has taken on the responsibility of planning and monitoring these complicated transports.
Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 7.50.38 PMEvents, events, events! Kathi has continued to be our fearless leader and has been instrumental in planning and executing all of the successful events of 2015. In addition to our regular adoption events, we enjoyed hosting Souper Bingo in February and BBQ & Bingo in July – we hope you will be able to join us for these events again in 2016! Souper Bingo is scheduled for February 20th so SAVE THE DATE!  Stay tuned to our Facebook page to learn about these and other exciting events coming soon!

Perhaps some of the most exciting news of all in 2015 – BBRH celebrated our 10 YEAR anniversary! In October we gathered together friends and family of the rescue for a fun filled afternoon to help celebrate the milestone. A huge thank you to everyone who has made the past 10 years possible!

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Looking Forward…

We are excited to see what the next 10 years brings for Basset and Beagle Rescue of the Heartland. The need for groups like BBRH is evidenced every day as we receive numerous requests to take in dogs for many different reasons. Sadly, there is no sign this will change any time soon. With your support we can continue to make a difference in the lives of countless dogs.

We know we are making a difference when we see happy endings like those of Porkchop. Porkchop came to us after living his entire life on a chain outside. He was heartworm positive, requiring expensive treatment, and had no idea how to live inside of a home. It took 14 months but Porkchop found his forever home in 2015! His new family adores him so much that he even has his own Facebook page.
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Be a Hero!

How? Your tax deductible contribution to Basset and Beagle Rescue of the Heartland will make you a hero for hounds in need!

Every donation helps pay for the necessary veterinary care our foster dogs need:

  • $25 pays for a heartworm test
  • $45 pays for a full set of vaccinations
  • $55 pays for heartworm preventative for a dog for a whole year
  • $65 covers the cost to spay or neuter a dog

Screen Shot 2015-12-14 at 7.52.41 PMIt’s easy to make a donation and become a hero today!

  1. Visit our Facebook page or Website to make a donation online.
  2. Mail a donation to the address above.
  3. Do you shop at Amazon.com? Start your shopping at smile.amazon.com and they will donate 0.5% of the money spent on qualifying purchases to the charity of your choice! Simply go to http://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-3539622 and designate BBRH as your charity!

Have a safe, peaceful, and hound-filled holiday season.  

Kathi & the BBRH Team